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Pre Kindergarten Mapleton

The seeds of greatness are sprouted HERE!

This class is currently full.
You are registering for the current year, 2024-2025

Class Name

All children must be potty-trained in order to attend.  (No diapers or pull-ups)

Student Details

First Name
Last Name
You are registering multiple students. Click "Remove Student" if you only intend to register one student.

Parent / Guardian Details

First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Emergency Contact

First Name
Last Name


Is your child up to date on immunizations?

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Children enrolled in Early Childhood Programs must be immunized appropriately for their age. Please review this document to understand the required immunizations: Click Here
Do you have an exemption for your child


Amount to Charge (includes a 3.5% service fee)
Registration Fees are Non-Refundable
Payment Details

Policies and Consent Form


At Treasure Tree Academy, we believe fieldtrips can heighten children’s interest in related topics and give children the opportunity to visit places and people in the community which inspire and benefit our world around us. Our fieldtrips are held during regular class time and are walking fieldtrips. Parents are more than welcome to join us. Please make us aware if you are interested in attending. Parents will be informed of upcoming fieldtrips through the monthly calendar.
I give permission for my child to attend field trips with Treasure Tree Academy, be they walking or driving field trips.

Medical Emergency

In case of an emergency, we will attempt to call the parents. If we cannot get in contact with a parent, we will call the emergency contact provided. In case we cannot get in contact with either of these individuals, we will take the necessary steps for hospitalizing the child in order for the child to receive the medical attention he/she may need. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, we will call emergency services first, immediately followed by a call to parents and/or emergency contact.
In the case of injury incurred on the premises or during a field trip, I hereby release Treasure Tree Academy and its personnel from any and all legal liability.

Child Abuse

At Treasure Tree Academy, we have a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse in any form (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, psychological, etc.). We wish to make it ardently clear that anyone who works in the preschool with your children has passed a background check and rigorous screening including numerous reference checks, professional and personal, as well as psychological and personality type testing before being allowed to ever work with or around your children. We consider child abuse to be the most heinous of crimes and are committed to your children’s utmost safety, security, and well-being while in the preschool as well as in their lives at home. It should be well noted that our staff are trained annually in recognizing the signs of child abuse and neglect and are required by law, as well as by Treasure Tree Academy policy, to report any and all suspicions of child abuse either by other staff members or by parents. We can and will report child abuse and neglect and will not tolerate it in our preschool. Should you ever have a concern about any student regarding abuse or neglect, please contact the preschool director Stephanie Cooper immediately on her personal cell phone: 801-309-0908, come into the preschool to speak with her in person, or contact Child Protective Services. Thank you for helping us protect our students!


Our discipline philosophy is reward the positive, redirect the negative. While abuse is certainly not tolerated in any form at Treasure Tree Academy, appropriate disciplinary action can be taken in regard to a student or students exhibiting inappropriate, dangerous, or disruptive behaviors during class instruction. WE NEVER USE CORPORAL PUNISHMENT! (That is: spanking, slapping,
hitting, or any other form of discipline that involves physical contact with the child’s body.) Our student disciplinary system consists of simple, calm, verbal warnings called strikes. The children are all taught and reminded regularly that if a child is verbally given 3 verbal warnings (strikes) and asked to correct or improve their behavior in any given situation, then they will spend no more than 10 minutes in time out. Time out consists of simply having to sit in a chair apart from the
classroom activities, think about their actions, and decide when they are ready to rejoin the class. Should our “3 strikes then time-out” system repeatedly fail to correct any given student’s behavioral issues, then the student’s parents will be contacted and a meeting will be arranged to discuss further options and incentives for helping the student improve their behavior.

Drop-off and Pick-up

In order to help ensure the safety of your child, we require that your child is accompanied into the preschool when they are being dropped-off and picked-up. You must sign-in when you are dropping off and picking up your student. If more than one person is authorized to pick-up your child, please indicate below those you will allow your child to go home with. Photo ID is required if an individual other than the parent is picking-up your child.

Drop-off and Pick-up

First Name
Last Name

School Calendar and Tuition

Our preschool follows the Nebo School District calendar for kindergarten. The regular school year classes will begin August 23, 2023 and end May 17, 2024. Tuition is based on the 9-month school calendar (September-May). Tuition is the total number of school days divided into 9 equal payments. For your convenience, monthly tuition is the same each month regardless of number of school days or whether or not your child attends due to illness or vacations. If you prefer, you may pay multiple months in advance or the full school year up front. If you choose to pay the full year up front, monthly tuition will be discounted by $4/ month for a total savings of $36. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $10.00 will be added on the 8th of each month. Tuition is paid through the Brightwheel app. Checks payable to: Treasure Tree Academy. A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for any returned check.

Withdrawing Enrollment

We understand that life happens, families move, or have other life events which require a change of preschools. If you choose to withdraw your student’s enrollment at Treasure Tree Academy, we require 30-days written notice. We do not prorate tuition if you choose to withdraw your student part-way through the month. You will be responsible to pay the full month’s tuition.

Change of Clothing

Please send a change of clothing (underwear, shirt, pants, and socks) for your child in a gallon sized Ziploc bag with your child’s first and last name on it to have on hand at school. This will be helpful for your child to be able to change into their own clothes and rejoin the class as quickly as possible in case of an emergency.

When Your Child is Sick

For the health of your child and other students please keep your child home if he or she has had fever, diarrhea, or throwing up within the last 24 hours. In the event that a child becomes ill at school, parents will be called immediately to come pick-up their child. We have online preschool videos that we can email you if your child is sick. Please just let Mrs. Cooper know your child won’t be there and that you’d like the videos - 801-309-0908.

Dressing for the Weather

Preschool students should wear clothing that is appropriate for the season. Please ensure that your child brings a coat or jacket to school when it is cold outside. When appropriate, please send them with snow boots, a hat, gloves, and snow pants so your child can enjoy their time outside. We will have outside time each day unless it is raining during recess or there are extreme weather conditions.


Some parents like to bring treats for the class when their child has a birthday. This is certainly not required. However, if you do decide that you would like to do this, please let us know ahead of time to make arrangements. Often this pre-packaged snack replaces or supplements the snack that would be served to the children that day. The snack or treat needs to be store-bought.


Prayer at Snack Time

During each class, we offer a simple prayer of gratitude and thanks before snack time. We have a child volunteer to say the prayer and we encourage respect and reverence during this time. We never assign or force students to offer the prayer. This is designed to instill gratitude and respect.

Photo Consent

We will post pictures and information online about the things we do! Please be sure to check out the blog:

**Our teachers do take pictures of students in class and share those via their weekly newsletter and/or the Brightwheel app. These pictures will not be shared on any social medial sites.


I have read, understand, and consent to all of the above information.