February- Animals Classes
First, we learned about fish. We learned that they have scales, live in the water, breathe under water using gills, and that most fish lay eggs. The children thoroughly enjoyed this fishing game as they practiced their eye-hand-coordination to catch a colored fish!
Next, we learned about mammals. We learned that mammals have fur or hair, they breathe with their lungs, their babies are born alive and drink mama’s milk. We used our puppets and sorted the animals into the different mammals and other classes.
This class loved dancing with the mammal puppets!
Even the 3-year-old classes worked on their cutting abilities as they made their very own mammal book!
Here the kids are practicing writing the letter “Z” which was one of the letters we learned this month.
A big thank you to all the parents who helped make our field trips possible! We had a wonderful time!
The children always look forward to music time. These kids really love playing our bean bag game as we sing a song and pass the bean bag around our circle of friends.
As part of our rug time, we stand up and do some wiggles and stretches each day. This darling class LOVES going on bear hunts just like the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”!
Our Pre-K kids are working hard to get ready for Kindergarten as they say the Pledge of Allegiance as part of our “jobs” each day.
Outside time is important at Treasure Tree Academy! We set aside time to go outside every day and after the big snow storms in February, these kids took advantage of the great packing snow and made the biggest snowballs they could! They were so proud of themselves!
Letter review time!
In the middle of February, we took a little break from animals so we could celebrate Valentine’s day! The children loved playing Valentine memory match as they worked on taking turns and strengthening their memory skills.
They were also very excited to make their own Valentine to give to someone special to share their love.
Preschool is a wonderful time to learn and grow in all areas of development! Thanks for letting us enjoy your children and be part of that growth and development.
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